A downloadable game

To play optimally you will need 4 controllers and 3 friends, alternatavley you can use the keyboard however it is non optimal


W/T/I/Up/ A (nintendo style controller): accelerate

S/G/K/Down/ B (nintendo style controller): brake

A/F/J/Left/D-Pad Left (nintendo style controller): Steer Left

D/H/L/Right/ D-Pad Right (nintendo style controller): Steer Right

Q/R/U/R Ctrl/Left shoulder: Use item

E/Y/O/num0/Right shoulder: Sharp Corner


PaperKartRelease (2).zip 69 MB

Install instructions

on X11 (linux, etc) navigate to the linux subfolder and run the exceutable in the subfolder for your proccessor

on Windows select the x86 folder on 32 bit systems or the x86_64 folder on 64 bit systems and run the .exe file